The perception of women benefiting from the "Bolsa Familia" program on its implementation in Viçosa-MG / A percepção das mulheres beneficiárias do programa bolsa-família sobre sua implementação em Viçosa-MG




In this research it was searched to analyze, starting from the perception of the beneficiary families of the Bolsa Família Program, in its implantation in the district of Viçosa-MG, about the capacity of the program in relieving in the reduction of poverty and of the social exclusion while motivate the social inclusion and citizen practices. Specifically, it had as objectives: point out the design of the PBF in social level; characterize the PBF in Viçosa, starting from the managers and of the beneficiary families; characterize the socioeconomic profile of the families assisted by PBF and identify the perception that the assisted families have of the Bolsa-Família Program, as well as the changes and permanence noticed by families concerning the decrease of poverty and of the social exclusion and the invigoration of the citizenship. The theoretical contribution was based in three categories - poverty, social exclusion and citizenship to validate the relation between the permanence of the poverty and of the exclusion in Brazil and the kind of existent citizenship. The empirical Field was the PBF implemented in the Novo Silvestre neighborhood, in the city of. Viçosa, MG. The sample was composed of. 25 beneficiary families living in the mentioned neighborhood and in the surroundings and by two professionals of the program. The method used for the collection of data was the case study, leaned on the techniques: documental, bibliographical research, half-structured interview, informal observation and photographic registration of the home conditions of the families. Part of the data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and the other part according to interpretation of the meanings. It was stated that the PBF in the perception of the families is understood Bolsa-Escola and that it contribute to the impediment of the hunger situations. The PBF, in Viçosa, prioritize only the transference of income and because of this the chances of being considered exit doors from the poverty and from the social exclusion are small. In the beginning, its strategies should conduct the beneficiary families to new ways, in which the weight of the poverty and of the exclusion, materialized in the lived experiences, give place to the experiences of citizen practices in a context of social inclusion. The results reinforced the presupposion of that the poverty and the social exclusion only can be faced by a group of articulated measures, which dont characterize themselves as social welfare, but that reinforce the rights of citizenship.


cidadania pobreza economia domestica social exclusion exclusão social citizenship "bolsa familia" program poverty programa bolsa-família

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