The mirage of the Absolute. On the contraposition of Schopenhauer and Hegel: Critique, Speculation and the Philosophy of Religion / A "miragem" do absoluto - Sobre a contraposição de Schopenhauer a Hegel: crítica, especulação e filosofia da religião




This thesis seeks to reconstruct Schopenhauers criticism of Hegel, beyond invective and brief judgment. Though he does not write on the theme specifically, Schopenhauers critical position with regards to Hegel is formulated at several moments of his oeuvre. This work consists of reconstructing Schopenhauers criticism at first, by comparing it to the criticism of Schelling and Feuerbach. It aims at exposing and analyzing Schopenhauers arguments so as to build a critical image of the philosophy of Hegel, and simultaneously demonstrate how this very criticism can be relativized from a Hegelian point of view. Therefore, this work seeks to reflect upon the difficulty implied in the task of constructing a criticism of the philosophy of Hegel, since Hegel, as Gérard Lebrun has demonstrated, offers less of a philosophy than a discourse which is misunderstood whenever we attempt to judge it from the perspective of our discursive presuppositions. Secondly, we shall examine the common points in the speculative approach present in both philosophies, and investigate themes such as the question of the determination of the finite in relation to the substantial reality, the task of Philosophy and the problem of the exposure of the philosophical truth. Thirdly, well attempt to counterpose the philosophy of religion of both authors, for, as we intend to demonstrate, the theme of the frontier between Philosophy and Religion is crucial to establish the opposition between the authors on the central issue of exposure of the Absolute and of the limits of knowledge. Finally, we shall look into a few other texts parallel to this thesis which aim at reflecting upon the interpretations of authors such as Lukács and Horkheimer about the counterposition between Hegel and Schopenhauer.


the will especulação religion schopenhauer hegel the absolute hegel speculation absoluto vontade religião schopenhauer

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