The minime State and the docent work: a search about the politic influency neoliberal in two universities from the state of South Mato Grosso, from 1996 to 2006 / O estado mínimo e o trabalho docente: influência das políticas de cunho neoliberal em duas universidades de Mato Grosso do Sul -1996 a 2006.




This search is about a line of searches about Educations Politics, Schools and docents works from the Educations Master UCDB, and the study is about the politic influency of the neoliberal model in the formation process of teachers in the superior education. Presents like objective to analise the changes that had happened in the work and formation of teachers in two Superior Education Institutes (SEI) from South Mato Grosso, in Campo Grande city: Catolic University Dom Bosco (UCDB) and Federal University from South Mato Grosso (UFMS) in function of the neoliberal politics. The time is from 1996 to 2006 adocting like metodologic strategic the bibliographic revision looking to the relationship of the State, education and work. So were analised the writers of classics theorics of the liberal conception of the State (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau), against the neoliberal conception (Friedman, Hayek), althouth documentals founts (laws, decrets, resolutions) in the time searched. Were realized enterviews, with 16 professors, being 8 from each SEI, to register the docents opinion about the work and formation of professors. The results shows that the neoliberals politics reach the workers team, leaving to the teachers a bigger number of pupils for class, the exigency for continuated formation to garantes the job things that in another time, werent workers responsibility. So, like the others workers the docents suffers with exigencies of this state models, that with a terrible talk about criativate possibilities the better mechanisms of extrations of work excess, transferring to this professional the total responsibility of his success or no.


políticas de educação superior educacao superior education politic estado trabalho e formação docente work and docents formation. state

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