The housing space in São Paulo city: design studies / O espaço de doméstico na cidade de São Paulo: um projeto arquitetônico




Though it resembles many of metropolitan cities in the world today fractured, segregated, contradictory, and rich São Paulo inherits its configuration from a number of unique factors. Its rapid growth, both economic and demographic, on a specific territory has led to such a configuration that it must be properly understood so that future interventions, intended to improve the citys efficiency and to provide better quality of life to its inhabitants are to achieve success. The perusal applied to the present study is founded on the analysis of habitation issues in the city, taking into account the diversity in forms of housing production and supply, either Statesponsored or driven by private ventures and their reflection on the principal local architectural and urban features. This research was initiated due to the professional practice and development of projects at the Department of Projects at CDHU (Company for the Development of Habitation and Urbanism of São Paulo). At first the aim of this research was to gain historical knowledge of the evolution of those issues in the mesh of the city of São Paulo since its entrance into the industrial era. The first chapter traces the history of the manner of living of the paulistano1 from the earliest settlements to the dawn of the 20th century. The position of successive municipal administrations in the face of the course of urban growth due to the activities in coffee exports is analyzed with a focus on habitation issues. External influences and the intervention of private ventures in the production of urban housing, plus the omission of the State, generated vectors that influenced the urban layout, serving as a basis for later modernization. The second chapter analyzes the development and modernization that took place on the existing grid produced over the previous centuries and configured a new urban structure for the new role the city came to play in the Brazilian economic stage, always pondered through the eyes of housing solutions to the urban masses, revealing then the consolidation of a structure that reproduced itself in the swollen, outstretched pattern that typifies São Paulo to the point of serving as a model not only to neighboring cities within the metropolitan region, but also to other metropolitan regions in the state of São Paulo. Due to the specificity of the projects developed at CDHU in the favela urbanization field, from the third chapter the purpose was to understand the phenomena: 1) the outbreak and development of the favelas; 2) the public interventions there, being either total erradication total ou urbanization; 3) the process of urbanization projects that have been guiding those interventions in Brazil, once the option for the urbanization was taken. Through the analysis of these experiences from a diversity of researches from the last five decades in Brasil and also experiences from surrounding cities and countries, the third chapter brings a survey on some project methodologies for urbanization of invaded ground plots (the favelas amongst them). The aim is to identify the present development of the urbanization project process of the favelas, and address the main elements of this project that can or could be used as parameters to future projects. The fourth chapter presents The Favela México 70 - one of the favelas of the metropolitan region - taken as the starting point to some considerations of the projects development, with the aim to collaborate to the further evolution of the stages of fruition of the processes that go into the projects of the urban intervention at the favelas, opening question to future considerations.


urban design urbanismo slums upgrading urban renewal urbanização habitação de interesse social urban slums favelas metropolitanas recuperação urbana habitação coletiva social housing

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