The global simulation as a measurer in learning of vocabulary in french classes foreign language: create to learn and interact / A simulação global como medidora na aprendizagem do vocabulário em aulas de francês língua estrangeira: criar para aprender e interagir




This study investigates vocabulary learning through the Global Simulating (SG) methodology, aiming at presenting its use as a pedagogical strategy, interaction mediation and creativity motivator in the French class, and its efficiency on vocabulary learning. Vocabulary learning is taken as a social dynamic and complex process involving a wide range of variables, within which cognitive and affective variables play an extremely important role. Such process considers the classroom to be a social environment, where learners and teacher build knowledge through negotiation. We analyze participants prior foreign language learning experiences, their conceptions about foreign language, and especially their conceptions about vocabulary. The latter is related to participants current experience within SG learning context, and we also analyze how experiences and conceptions interfere in the learners actions. The main hypothesis that guides this study is that SG stimulates creativity and learners decision making, which work as interaction mediators, providing French cultural linguistic and communicative knowledge building. Twenty-five intermediate level students of French took part in this research. Questionnaires and vocabulary tests were used for data colleting in a French class at the Federal University of Uberlândia (MG- Brazil), from December 2007 to February 2008, totalizing 45 hours. The data reveal that, during SGs activities, learners build knowledge jointly and collaboratively, interacting and negotiation with peers. The results suggest that SG use brings significant contribution to vocabulary learning as students memorize and acquire lexical items more easily when they are used and re-used in creative activities and simulations. The study brings contribution to the FL teaching and learning field because it is innovative, creative and dynamic, and it considers the influence of cognitive and social aspects in the process of vocabulary learning.


aprendizagem do vocabulário global simulation creativity french as a foreing language motivation criatividade simulação global interaction francês língua estrangeira motivação vocabulary learning autonomy autonomia interação

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