Analysis of the Oedipus complex in Melanie Klein and D. W. Winnicott / AnÃlise do conceito de complexo de Ãdipo em Melanie Klein e D. W. Winnicott




This paper aimed the comparative analysis of the concept of the Oedipus complex within the works of M. Klein and D. W. Winnicott, in order to demonstrate some of the main differences and proximities between this two theories, concerning this specific issue. It was intended to show, based on the compilation of the most important papers of the authors about this matter and the principle of hermeneutics, that while in Klein there is the proposition of an Oedipus complex in early stages of the development, related to pre-genital phases and a partial relation with the objects, in Winnicott the Oedipus complex only appears as a late phase of the maturational process, when the individual reached an integration that gives him the capability to be a whole person, that relates with others also as whole figures, establishing total relations with the objects. It was found that, in Klein, the sexuality and the Oedipus complex form the basic impulse and the fundament of the organization and constitution of the human being. However, in Winnicott, there is the acknowledgment of other fundaments, regarded to the need of being and the continuity of being, which are neither sexual nor Oedipal, since they belong to early stages of the development.


klein sexualidade emotional maturation winnicott winnicott klein oedipus complex amadurecimento emocional sexuality psicologia psicanÃlise complexo de Ãdipo psychoanalysis

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