The dynamics of groundwaters in the estuary of the River Itanhaem, the south coast of the State of São Paulo / A dinamica das aguas subterraneas no estuario do Rio Itanhaem, litoral sul do Estado de São Paulo




The present work studied the influence of the tide in the coastal aquifers by identifying hydrodynamic and chemical alterations in the aquifiers. The research was carried out in the Itanhaém river estuary in two localities: in the Sitio de Pesquisa with 7 installed wells situated on the banks of the Acima river, 3,5 km from the ocean, and in the CePeRio - Center of Research ofthe ltanhaém river estuary with 1 well located approximately 1 km from the oceano The study was executed in 3 stages that studied the geologic formations of the aquifers and their physical, chemical and geometric characteristics. The hydrodynamic aspects were studied by monitoring of the superficial and underground water leveI, and hydrodynamic parameters such as hydraulical condutivity, linear average velocity and transmissivity were determined. The hydrochemical part of the research was executed with periodic collections of samples every 45 minutes and analyzed for the physical chemical parameters of temperature, pH, Eh, electric condutivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity. AIso, samples were collected for each stage of the study and analyzed for the following íons: Na, K; Si, Mg, Ca, Sr, Co, Mo, Cu, P, Zn, Pb, AI, Ba, Cd, Ni, Fe, Cr, HC03-, F- ,cr ,Br- ,N ,sot e P043- . The aquifers, one phreatic and one confined,rare both composites of fine sand sediments. The confined one is a sand layer with presences of limestone shells and has a depth of 20 meters. The surface waters were also monitored in the Acima river, the Campininha brook and the Itanhaém river, which border the study area. The phreatic aquifer is formed of fine sand and with the Acima river has sodium sulfated or chlorinated and sodium bicarbonated water. In the aquifer, the TDS varied between 40 and 70 mg/L and pH was acidic (between 4 and 5). In the river, the TDS varied from 90 to 5,900 mg/L and pH was 6 to 7. The confined aquifer, with silt clay and limestone shell, had sodic bicarbonated waters with the TDS varying from 310 to 2,000 mg/L and pH neutral (between 6 and 7,5). The phreatic aquifer with hydraulical condutivity (K) 10-4 m/s had a direct influence from tidal oscillations with a variation of phreatic leveI amplitude 5 times lesser than that of the tide. The confined aquifer with K of 10-6 m/s, oscillated 11 times less than the tide for variations of larger than 1,4 m. The hydrodynamic flow direction for the phreatic aquifer was to NW and for the confined one it was for WSW, both with discharges in the Acima river. The phreatic aquifer had linear average velocity of the order of 10-6 m/s with a transmissivity of 205 m2/day and for the confined the values were 10-8 m/s and 13 m2/day. In the phreatic aquifer the hydrodynamic flow was modified during strong flows of the tide northward. Hydrochemically, the groundwater varied slightly with saline intrusion. In the winter, the river had the biggest ionic concentrations in comparison to the other seasons which were associated with factors such as the tide being higher in and the low precipitation at that time of year


estuaries estuarios geochemistry hydrogeology hidrogeologia aquiferos costeiros coastal aquifers geoquimica

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