The analysis of verbal contents to the solution of difficulties in anxious patients / Análise de conteúdo verbal na solução de dificuldades de portadores de transtornos ansiosos




Verbal behavior comprehension is crucial to the analysis of dysfunctional behaviors attended in behavior analytic therapy. Studies of verbal report studies on clinical context, have showed the importance of the use of verbal behavior and have generated intervention procedures to solve problems. Self-reports reinforcement, as a function of reinforcement contingencies, indicates that changing verbal behavior is an effective way to change non verbal behavior outside the therapeutic setting. The goal of this study is to show the utility of a procedure of managing verbal contingencies by a therapist through the systematization of a client verbal contents and its written devolution to solve problems of individuals with anxious disorders in a therapeutic setting. After being exposed to their own verbal behavior, it was possible to two participants of this study to characterize their difficulties, identifying and describing ambient contingencies related to their undesirable behavior and consequently to describe proposes of solution of these difficulties. It is discussed how the exposition to systematized verbal report changes further the verbal reports and the problem behavior.


ansiedade comportamento verbal behavioral assessment metodologia de análise de conteúdo verbal therapeutic interaction psicologia interação verbal livre e contínua free and continuous verbal interactions comportamento verbal methodology of analyzing verbal contents verbal behavior interação terapêutica terapia do comportamento verbal report relato verbal análise do comportamento anxiety verbal behavior behavior therapy

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