Tensão entre o público e o privado: a função social da propriedade na Avenida Paralela.




This dissertação has for objective to discover as it comes being appreciated for the public power the constitutional principle of the social function of the property in the Parallel Avenue. The study initially it describes the legislative evolution and the doctrinal and conceptual development of this institute today consecrated in the hall of the rights and basic guarantees. The ambient bias that the principle acquired allows to weave some considerações on the biocêntrico paradigm therefore the world vision is decisive in the construction of the social function of the adjusted property more. Especially when the study it falls again on a region covered for rivers lagoons and forest of atlantic bush that is a national patrimony determining a differentiated legal regimen. Moreover this research analyzes actions at law and the administrative procedure of ambient licensing moments where if it can perceive the positioning of the administrative agencies and judicial on the question of the property. E finally becomes fullfilled a case study on the deriving processes of the Alphaville enterprise in Salvador.


licenciamento ambiental propriedade-função social ambient licensing property -social direito biocêntrico paradigm paradigma biocêntrico

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