Tendencias politicas, preferencias e atitudes conservadoras em São Paulo, Porto Alegre e Salvador




This work presents some political tendencies, attitudes and the conservative preferences of the publics of the cities of São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Salvador in the recent period. The work left of two sceneries: on the one hand, the socioeconomic and cultural context of the big urban centers that shelter several social segments with interests and different demands; on the other hand, the political-electoral scenery, in which the conservative parties present good electoral results and occupY important positions in the decision-making spheres. Considering that the political parties reflect social cleavages and that there is a retaking of attitudes and conservative values in the last years, this work seeks to identify among the publics of the cities of São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Salvador the acceptance of those values and positionings. We analysed a data base from a survey conducted in 2000, based on theoretical models that consider the existence of underlying values and faithsto the political choice, and that privilege the socioeconomic conditions in the explanation of the political behavior. The results of data analysis suggest the existence of conservative strongholds in the three cities we analysed, but the conservative strongholds of São Paulo point out, with comparatively clearer values in the ideological scale


partidos politicos - salvador (ba) conservantismo partidos politicos - são paulo (sp) cultura politica sociologia politica partidos politicos - porto alegre (rs)

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