Tenacidade à fratura translaminar dinâmica de um laminado híbrido metal-fibra titânio-grafite de grau aeronáutico / Dynamic translaminar fracture toughness of aeronautical grade titanium-graphite hybrid fiber-metal laminate




Several dynamic translaminar fracture toughness criteria have been determined for TiGr hybrid fiber-metal laminate through Linear Elastic (K-factor) and Elastic-Plastic (J-integral) Fracture Mechanics (LEFM and EPFM, respectively) concepts and methodologies. Instrumented Charpy impact testing was carried out over a wide range of temperatures under two loading rates. It has been discovered that the elastic-plastic initiation toughness, Jid, and the toughness at maximum load, Jmd, of TiGr are controlled by either delamination favoring or suppression. Impact tests revealed that the in-service use of TiGr must rely on its resistance to dynamic fracture propagation (as characterized by Jmd) rather than on fracture initiation (by Jid). In a broad sense, the requirements for Jid data validity as a material property (JId) were fulfilled, whereas many restrictive demands in regard to the minimum testpiece size were violated by the Jmd criterion. Generally, higher impact velocities were beneficial to TiGrs J-toughnesses, inasmuch as higher temperatures impaired these properties. Regarding the LEFM approach, KJd toughness of TiGr laminate was imparted by faster impacts at higher temperatures, whilst the strain rate negatively influenced the Kid toughness over the whole temperature range tested. Higher temperatures also degraded the K-toughness properties of TiGr hybrid laminate. Differently from J-toughnesses values, the KJd e Kid criteria did not satisfy at all the more stringent criteria set forth by the LEFM approach with regard to plastic constraint, as compared to those established by EPFM. Finally, the mechanical performance of TiGr laminate was overwhelmingly compromised as the materials specific gravity was taken in account to obtain K and J toughness values by unit weight, so that TiGr was by far exceeded in this regard by conventional Carbon/Epoxy composite laminates.


translaminar fracture ensaio de impacto charpy instrumented charpy impact testing tenacidade à fratura dinâmica materiais aeronáuticos dynamic fracture toughness aircraft composite laminates laminados compósitos

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