Teletrabalho: a tecnologia gerando uma nova forma de trabalho




This study aims to discuss the telework before the Labour Rights and the huge transformations resulting from the technological process, as well as the factors that favour the dissemination of the labour both at distance and at home. Following this trajectory we explored the environmental modifications where organizations are looking for viable alternatives for their businesses, organizational structures and labour ways. Within this environment of mutations there exist professionals that perceive the relevance of innovations in the organizations, such as the telework. From this expectation arises the Telework Process, as a modern alternative of enterpreuneurial management, under the view of flexible labour alternatives, aiming to make the enterprises more competitive and dynamic, different from those that are still dangerously used to stability and to the routine of the traditional work. In order to reach our goal we followed the directions already opened by the doctrine, adding a systemic sociologic focus, opened, that allows us to rethink the labour world and the challenges of the post-industrial society. This brings about the need of a new sociology to observe the transformations in labour relations concomitantly to a new technological and productive paradigm.


mundo do trabalho direito do trabalho telework direito do trabalho flexibilização technology tecnologia labour world flexibilization trabalho teletrabalho

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