Telejornalismo : mobilização ou constrangimento? : a construção da imagem na noticia de violencia social




The present work has the aim of analyzing the TV news composition broadcast through journalism. We observe the use of technical, aesthetic and ideological elements - which constrain and mobilize - in the broadcast process, including news which show social violence, including all kind of violence: not the institutionalized one, but that which sustains the men s minimum survival conditions, regarding the lack of housing, starvation, health care, to name but a few. The conditions which, in Brazil, link the telejoumalism to the establishment and the exaggerated use of rules which put it as an independent kind of discourse, make the news to lose its character of truth, becoming a piece of whole TV entertainment show. As a result, it deforms the journalism intentions and objectives and reduces the possibilities of popular participation in the political issues. The news leader Jornal Nacional has been choose in the present study. Three TV reportings have been studied. This part of the work establishes a technical interpretation of the news structures which are not understood by the unsuspecting audience. Every scene has been analyzed regarding it contents, seeking for the use of rules, ideological impositions and the necessity of adequate the image to the text. The studied material functions as basis for the discussion about the creation of spaces, inside the journalism work, seeking a dynamic and participating knowledge


violencia - aspectos sociais imagem telejornalismo

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