Tecnologia assistiva para uma escola inclusiva :apropriação, demanda e perspectivas.




In a deeply changing world, Assistive Technology emerges as a knowledge and research area which has shown an important horizon of new possibilities of autonomy and social inclusion to students with disabilities. In order to understand and discuss how the school as an institution has noticed and experienced those possibilities in its practices and processes, maily the ones related to inclusive education, this work analyzed through a case study research the appropiation and use of Assistive Technology, which is needed to the inclusion of students with disabilities in classroom, in elementary public schools in Salvador, Bahia. This study was developed, in four schools, through accounts of professionals such as directors, teachers, coordinators and supervisors who experienced and managed directly those realities. Therefore, this study was based on Bronfenbrenners Ecological Model of development theory and Vygotskys Social-Historical Theory, mainly on his Defectology Fundaments. Also, theoretical support about inclusive education found on authors such as Mantoan, Baptista, Miranda, Manzini, Rodrigues and others, and the relation between informational and communicational technologies and education found on Lévy, Silva, Gomez, Pretto, Bonilla and others. As a result, we could observe the advances and achivements in the process of assistive technology appropriation at the schools analyzed as well as, and principally, the difficults and obstacles found in the process by the professionals enterviewed and also their demands for more effective actions from the public educational secretaries which they belong to and consistent and systematic public policies which favor agility and effectiveness in the process of appropriation and use of assistive technology that is needed to the inclusion of students with disabilities. It was also possible to detect the existing contradictions between the traditional and hegemonic educational paradigm in the schools and the principles of inclusive education. These contradictions were observed as disturbing factors of the assistive technology process in the schools. Based on obtained, analyzed and discussed datas, concrete possibilities of new horizons, perspectives and public policies are showed in order to favor and make possible the advance of process, such as the implementation of assistive technology and accessibility of reference centers, and the construction of telematic learning ambients which favor educational practices more inclusive and compatible to the contemporary societys needs.


educacao students with disabilities school learning tecnologia assistiva alunos com deficiência aprendizagem escolar educação inclusiva assistive technology inclusive education

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