Tecnicas de processamento digital de imagens para aplicacoes no mapeamento por carta-imagem / Digital image processing techniques for image-mapping applications




Many important activities, specially those related to survey of natural resources are supported by national systematic maps in order to provide a confident base to place the resutts. Unfortunately, because traditional mapping is a very expensive and slow task, the basic national cartographic coverage is poorly estabilished. Image-Mapping techniques can provide a fast and cost-effective alternative solution to avoid dependency on traditional maps. This paper presents the basic guidelines for a methodology to produce Image-Maps using an entirely digital approach. Within this methodology three main steps are deeply discussed, followed by algorithm developments and computer program implementations. The first step is digital mosaicking using a gray tevet adjustment of image tiles and an irregular join line for connecting them. The second step is a removal of cloud coverage by multitemporal data replacement. And the final step is application of special image enhancement techniques for local feature improvement. The results pointed out that digital mosaicking can produce resulting image with no visible direfences between source images; image coverage can be significantly improved by cloud removal based on multitemporal data; and special purpose enhancement techniques improve the image visual quality, aiding the interpretation task. From that results it was possible to draw some conclusions indicating that Image-Mapping activities can be significantly improved by using digital approachs as proposed by this work.


mapeamento mosaicos resolucao de imagens processamento de imagens computer programs cloud cover mapping processamento digital de imagens image enhancement mosaics cobertura de nuvens image processing image resolution programas de computador

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