Tecnologias no ensino de geometria molecular / Technologies in the education of molecular geometry




This study had as a principal aim, to investigate the use of different technologies in teaching Molecular Geometry and fundamentally, identify if the software ChemSketch empowers or opposes the elaboration of more adequate models of chemical structures. To subsidize this study, it was needed to appeal to the quality research which resulted in a study of case. The study of the case was the procedure method which was adopted, aiming a 2nd high school class of 28 students, in a private school in the state of Minas Gerais. The students had the opportunity to deal with different situations while being taught chemistry with the use of technologies, and also to assess the aspects related to learning chemistry. The date was collected through questionnaires; recording of audio and video activities and the elaboration of a planning of the chemistry activities which involved the technology of blackboard and chalk, the technology of using isopor Balls and Sticks and the software ChemSketch. The analyses were made following 2 perspectives: the evolution of the students due to the use of each of the technologies and the observations and registrations made in the learning environments. Regarding the analyses of the questionnaires, and the observations and registrations in the learning environments it was possible to realize that the development of the activities in a balanced way among the technologies supports the learning to students, due to the fact that it built the structures in a more adequate way. Although the software provided a better view of the molecules structures, the students did not come to a satisfactory performance, which suggests that in the use of the computer, the teacher performs a fundamental role.


geometria molecular technologies química química - estudo e ensino molecular geometry tecnologias quimica ensino médio chemistry

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