TECHNICAL information on highland rice in the states of Mato Grosso and Rondônia for the 2009-10 and 2010-11 crops seasons.


Santo Antônio de Goiás: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão




The Rice Technical Committee from those states CTA MT-RO has been involved with the enhancement of grain quality attributes and plant characteristics as well. The 3rd meeting of this Committee took place in 2009, from August 4 to 5, in Rondonópolis, under the coordination of the Rondonópolis and Southern Mato Grosso Food Industry Association (SIAR-SUL) with the support of many local institutions: Brazilian Supporting Service for Small Business (SEABRE, MT); Mato Grosso Research, Assistance and Rural Extension Association (EMPAER, MT); Mato Grosso Research Foundation (FAPEMAT), Paranatinga Mayor´s Office; Mato Grosso Rice Industry Association (SINDARROZ, MT); Department of Trade, Mining and Power (SICME); Caceres Food Industry Association (SIA); Mato Grosso Food Industry Inter-County Association (SIAMT). In addition, there was financial support from Rice Tec, farming support from Cabeça Branca Sementes de Arroz, Produtos Rei, Agroleste and Famato. Two important documents resulted from this meeting: the proceedings and a technical bulletin aggregating updated technical information for upland rice production in both states in the 2009/10 and 2010/11 cropping seasons.


mato grosso rondônia oryza sativa arroz sequeiro sistema de cultivo rice cropping systems crop management embrapa rice and beans

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