Tecendo subjetividades: a formação profissional de alunas no curso de serviço social.




This research had the objective of studying the transformation provoked on the women students subjectivity by the Social Service Course of Catholic University from Salvador (UCSAL). They attended the course from 1996 to 1999. This study was conducted though the analyses of professional identity and gender, and also citzenship and reality conceptions. In this sense we looked for investigating how the students could see their professional growth. Specially if they were able to realize how the direction given by the school was enough to guarantee their emotional, theoretical and technical structure. The studying case was adopted as a research methodology strategy. Also an application form was used and six workshops were made based on a group approach called Sociodrama. Based on the research results, we realize that, although the professional exercise demands a huge amount of emotional stuff from the students, the Social Service Course of UCSAL, is giving more importance to theoretical aspect, and the learning of a professional role instead of emotional contents. Even though, the graduation course is going to a satisfactory direction to build autonomies professionals identities with a total transformation of the reality, citzenship and gender conceptions of the interviewed students.


ensino profissional serviço social educação feminina teoria do conhecimento social service course educacao mulheres subjetividade.

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