Teachers of physical education and inconvenience of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder: a relationship in motion / Professores de educação física e crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade: uma relação em movimento / Professores de educação física e crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade: uma relação em movimento / Teachers of physical education and inconvenience of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder: a relationship in motion




This study aimed to ascertain the perception of a group of teachers of Physical Education on the characteristics of children with Attention-Deficit of Trouble / Hyperactivity (ADHD). It was proposed also to identify the relationship between this group of teachers with students diagnosed with ADHD and seek grants for assistance in teaching-learning process for discipline of Physical Education in front of this issue. For this was done in a search field, taking as an instrument questionnaire, directed to the desired goals. This instrument, tested in a pilot research was composed of open and closed issues that allowed the analysis of data from the point of view quantitatively and qualitatively. The survey participants were teachers of Physical Education of private schools teaching the city of Sao Paulo. The information collected allowed describe how this group of teachers characterized the behavior of children with ADHD, allowing, from difficulties, the expression of favorecedoras suggestions of better utilization of classrooms and even speeches for the development. Needs of practical activities targeted to specific discipline of Physical Education were revealed, featuring issues still open, offering new research.


psicologia inclusão transtorno of attention deficit teachers of physical education hyperactivity hiperatividade inclusion professores de educação física transtorno de déficit de atenção

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