Systemic analysis of noise penalties all-optical network / AnÃlise sistÃmica das penalidades de ruÃdo nas redes Ãpticas transparentes




In this thesis, the routing and wavelength assignment processes are addressed. Besides of considering the network layer resources (number of available wavelengths in a link), the impact of physical layer effects in the transmitted optical signals is analyzed for both processes. The optimization of the wavelength assignment process is obtained by minimizing the FWM effect among propagation optical signals. Exhaustive and genetic algorithms are used in the optimization process and for comparison in terms of computational performance. The first tests all possible wavelength dispositions, while the second uses the evolutionary process to find the solutions. Also an analytical model is developed for routing algorithms in transparent optical networks. This formulation quantifies the degradation of the optical signal-to-noise ratio along signal propagation. The physical effects considered are: the saturation effect and the amplified spontaneous emission produced in optical amplifiers, the coherent crosstalk in optical switches and the four wave mixing in optical fiber. The polarization mode dispersion is also considered as a pulse broadening penalty. The developed analytical model is applied for all-optical network performance analysis in terms of blocking probability of requested calls,and in a routing algorithm


optical communications redes Ãpticas algorithms comunicaÃÃes Ãpticas algoritmos optical networks relaÃÃo sinal-ruÃdo Ãptica optical signal-to-noise ratio engenharia eletrica

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