Suporte Organizacional, Coping e Dimensões Afetivas do Bemestar Subjetivo: Um Estudo com Jovens Aprendizes




This study aimed to analyze the relations among organizational support perception, coping strategies, affective dimensions of subjective well-being, and sociodemographic factors in young learners. The sample were composed for 200 young learners, aged between completed 14 and incompleted 24 years old. The measuring instruments were: Scale of Organizational Support Perception, Coping Response Inventory - Youth Form and the Scale of Positive and Negative Affects at Work. The descriptive analysis of the stressing problems presents the relationals with higher prevalence, 53%. The most used strategies were: problem solving, logical analysis and positive re-evaluation. Regarding to the positive and negative affects, there were a predominance of positive affect. The results of multiple regression applied to the analysis of predictors of positive affects indicated that the factors of organizational support perception: management style of leadership, material support, promotion and salaries showed a significant relation with positive affects. Regarding to coping strategies, the problem solving and the search for gratification presented positive correlation and the acceptance / resignation presented a negative correlation with positive affects. Among the socio-demographic variables (age, sex, education, family income, length of service) only age and education showed significant relations with positive and negative affects. In order to conclude, the organizational variable - organizational support - showed higher correlation with the experience of positive affect than the individual variable - coping.


organizational support coping suporte organizacional young learner psicologia jovem aprendiz bem-estar subjetivo coping subjective well-being

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