Study of the frequency response method applied on localization and quantification of leakage by pressure and discharge monitoring in water supply main pipes. / Estudo do método de resposta em freqüência para localizar e quantificar vazamentos através do monitoramento de pressões e vazões em adutoras de água tratada.




This work presents some methods for leak location, from de most elementary techniques and equipments, as visual inspection and mechanical geophone, until using sophisticated noise data-logger and computational modeling. Some of these techniques are very well issued and largely used by water companies, but others play excellent promises for the improvement of leak control in systems of water supply. The pattern of the frequency response diagram is used for leak location and quantification, with special application in drinking water pipelines. The frequency response technique developed by Lee et al. (2005) is studied in details, including the impact produced by the leak on the frequency response diagram. The ways to obtain the frequency response diagram, by using mathematical and computational models or necessary field data survey, are also discussed.


frequency response detecção main pipe detection resposta em freqüência leak adutora vazamento

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