"Study of Sapindus saponaria fruit?s extracts rich on saponins and other glycosides and their application in capillary electrophoresis" / "Estudo dos extratos dos frutos de Sapindus saponaria enriquecidos em saponinas e outros glicosídeos e sua aplicação em eletroforese capilar"




Sapindus saponaria is a very abundant species in São Carlos and others regions of Brazil. Fruits of S. saponaria have a high content of glycosides which possess well-defined regions of hydrophobic and hydrophilic feature denominated amphiphilic molecule. Thus, this can form a foam showing chemical proprieties equals to surfactants. Some glycosides belong to class of saponins and are composed of carbonic structure designates aglycone, which is linked in one or two sugar chains. The purpose of the present study was the use of glycosides due to their surfactants properties in further applications of capillary electrophoresis. The extraction of crude fruits was carried out with methanol and this extract was fractionated in Sephadex LH-20. The fractions were analyzed for mass spectrometry and studied in capillary electrophoresis (CE). This is a feasible technique for the study of fractions obtained. Although a high degree of purity was not reached, the fraction B were used as additive for the electrolyte background in MEKC. The nitrobenzene showed different interaction with micellar system in the electrolyte background with fraction B.


saponinas micellar electrokinetic chromatography cromatografia eletrocinética micelar mass spectrometry espectrometria de massas saponins

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