Study of psychological aspects and its implications for the occurence of hypertension during pregnancy / Estudo dos aspectos psicológicos e sua influência no desenvolvimento da hipertensão gestacional




The pregnancy is one of the most critical stages of the human development not only for women but also men. Thats a transient moment of the existency that requires a personal adjustments in various aspects of life. This, showing the necessity of a change of identity as well as reevaluation of roles. During pregnancy, there are peculiar emocional status and a variety of changes which at the etiology is still very debated due to the fact those changes envolve complexes such as hormonal and psychological factors. Previous works, have shown a very tight relation between clinical and obstetric occurrences and specific emocional status. This lead us, in this work, to investigate why some women had presented hypertension during their pregnancy while others did not. A question can be raised, is there anything in their psychological profile making them different from the normal pregnancy? The hypertension during pregnancy is one of the major causes of maternal mortality worldwide, besides the fact of being considered a highers risk pregnancy showing an exacerbation of all features of a normal pregnancy. In this context, there is still another agravating factor, the real risk of death of both mother and baby (son). This, sometimes evokes a guilty feeling by the mother. Taking all the aspects decribed so far into account, we have tried in this work to investigate the social context of the mother (pregnant women), such as family structure, social-economic status , relationship with the babies fathers, if the pregnancy was planned or not, as well as the psychological profile of normal and hypertensive pregnant women. Took part in this study 20 primiparous women with at least 10 weeks of pregnancy or olders divided into two groups. Group A, 10 normal women and 10 hypertense (group B). In the group B, 5 women were cronic hypertense (B1) while the remainder were Gestational Hypertension, group B2. A semi-structured interview, Draw a Person Test, and Rorschach Test were applied. All women were followed, in the clinic of higher risk preganncy (AGAR) in the department of ginecology and obstetrics of the HC-FMRP/USP (General Hospital). The data analysis was quanlitative and quantitative including a cross-validation of the signification index of projective techniques. Also, regarding, the data of all interviews were transcribed and categorized, drawing protocols are analyzed by two judges and the Rorschachs protocols were encoded following the French nomenclature and local rules. These analyses showed that are common aspects in the two groups, like the fact of unexpected but accepted pregnancy as well as the neglected use of contraceptive methods in the majority of the pregnancies. However, we observed diferences between the groups when the rob stability of the relationship is concerned. In the group A, the majority of the relationship could be considered stable, while the opposite was observed in the group B. Also, in the group A positive reaction to the pregnancy was dominant for both father and family. Once again, the opposite was observed in B. Regarding mothers feeling, in group A, again, positive feeling are dominant while negative ones are shown by the majority of B. Group A shows fear mostly robted to the birth, while in B, a fear of fetus death is clear. Regarding projective techniques, it was possible to observe the following: all groups have shown the existence of self-adaptative resources, hidden at the moment due to the necessity of keeping a rational control over the affective experiences. This ca be an effect of inability of managing affectiveness in a balanced way. Other fact that contributes for that is the fear of loosing control of these feeling now much stronger, leading to an introspection as self-protection. This introspection was observed in all women regarding their affective feelings, denotating a resource towards reflection. The women in group A this effort had shown efficient when using the resources, however, they showed insecurity egocentrism, anguish, and regressive behaviours. All these feeling are expected and considered normal during pregnancy. In the group B1 shows a meticulous attachment to reality thus, the enviroment is seen and experienced through a perception narrowing. This feeling disturbes the conexion to reality and generate insatisfaction which in terms increase the ansiety. The B2 group shows tendency of widening their acting field what makes them overwhelmed. Also, this group shows an insufficient control of their affectivity what causes insatisfaction and increased anxiety. Thus, we can state that the personality profiles presented in hypertension women as well as the social aspects suggest important differences that play a role in the occurency hypertension during pregnancy. It would be adequate to develop a differencial approach during the following of the pregnancy for these two groups trying qualities and dificulties in order to facilitate adheson to the treatment and maintenance of stabel condition towards a more normal pregnancy.


gestação de alto risco hipertensão na gravidez high-risk pregnancy avaliação psicológica hipertension in pregnancy psychological assessment

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