Esclerose múltipla: aspectos psicológicos da doença / Multiple sclerosis: psychological aspects of the disease.




Multiple sclerosis is an incurable, chronic and progressive neurological disease. Its cause is still unknown. The disease affects multiple organs and it can result in irreversible consequences. The objective of this study is to investigate psychological aspects of the multiple sclerosis in patients receiving treatment at Center of Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis at Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. For the research we selected patients between 20 and 50 years old, male or female, living in Campo Grande-MS. Patients with other pathologies associated with multiple sclerosis were excluded from the study. The research was conducted with three patients, one male and two females. The research is qualitative type using case study method and open interviews, with a predetermined script by the researcher. To collect data we used recorded interviews, which were transcribed fully for the analysis of the fragments. The results showed significant changes in the patients behavior during the course of the disease. The incorrect diagnosis and the delay of the conclusive diagnosis brought several problems for the patients life, who never had access to psychological treatment, but reported several emotional difficulties during the course of the disease.


multiple sclerosis esclerose múltipla aspectos psicológicos psychological aspects diagnóstico. diagnosis. psicologia

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