Studies of residual oils originating from of processo f fry and qualification of those for obtaining of monoésteres (Biodiesel). / Estudos de óleos residuais oriundos de processo de fritura e qualificação desses para obtenção de monoésteres (Biodiesel).




Biodiesel is now considered as an important option for full or partial diesel fossil replacement. At the same time, biodiesel is a renewable and an environmentally friendly fuel. This work has as goal to employ residual vegetable oils for biodiesel production and evaluate its viability as raw material. For that, some initial steps were considered in order to get a correct planning for the project: i) gathering and purification of the raw material; ii) determination of the physico-chemical properties of the residual oils; iii) choice of the catalytic system based on the quality of the raw material; iv) biodiesel production; and v) evaluation of the properties of the biofuel produced. The results of the frying oils characterization are in agreement with the requirements, not compromising their use for obtaining biodiesel. The biodiesel production was conducted by basic and acid catalysis in the presence of methanol or ethanol, as alcoholysis agents. The best results, in biodiesel production, were obtained for methanolysis conducted in the presence of basic catalyst. The results presented here show a concrete possibility of the use of frying oil as raw material for obtaining biodiesel, even if the sample has been collected in small establishments.


biodiesel engenharia quimica transesterification biodiesel transesterificação used frying oil Óleos de frituras

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