Sport and media : interfaces between the sport s content mass media and the contexts and means pointed by students / Esporte e midia : interfaces e significados dos conteudos esportivos atribuidos pelos anlunos




The practice of the Sport s Pedagogy is influenced by several factors. The mass media is a very important phenomenon in the society. The relationship between people and sport s content of mass media is each available in the people context. The Sport?s Spectacle is a phenomenon usually present in the mass media. Current study shows theory discuss about sports and mass media in the society development: figurations´s theory, mimesis, interaction, mass media reception. The Sport s Pedagogy should consider student s life experience and daily practice with sport s content of mass media. Research was made with two classes of eight degree of the fundamental public school to identify some mechanisms and means pointed by students related to sport and mass media content. The results was discussed with literature concepts and it was possible to see that: (1) the students has a great interaction with the narrative of a TV news, (2) how the interactions and social contexts adding for the different ways of content comprehension and (3) they establish reviews about subjects and getting own opinion about them. This procedure make them more active in the reception process. It is possible to conclude the sport s life experience of the students should be included in to Sport s Pedagogy more usually.


midia media pedagogy pedagogia interaction interação esportes sports

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