Soil macrofauna, regeneration of tree species, lianas and epiphytes in different aged restoration areas at Pontal do Paranapanema / Macrofauna edáfica, regeneração natural de espécies arbóreas, lianas e epífitas em florestas em processo de restauração com diferentes idades no Pontal do Paranapanema




This study aimed to describe the soil macrofauna community, the natural tree species regeneration, lianas and epiphytes in three different restoration areas at Pontal do Paranapanema. These areas were planted with a mix of regional native tree species, aging 6 years (planted in 1998), 11 years (1993 plantation) and 16 years (1988 plantation). The evaluation of these plantations through distinct groups of organisms that structure the ecosystem represent great importance when it comes to describe the biodiversity reestablishment of these areas. For each restored area, three sampling plots of 900m2 were located and its forest structure analyzed by CBH (circumference at breast height) measurement. Every CBH ≥ 15cm tree was observed for presence or absence of lianas and epiphytes. Natural regeneration assessment was taken by three 1.5m radius sub-plots located within each area. Five soil samplings of 25x25x25cm were taken from each area, allowing soil macrofauna community evaluation. Samples within the same area were at least 5m apart from each other. Soil macrofauna community was observed in two different moments: dry and rainy season. The forests showed a diversity enhancement in every evaluated component, except by the epiphytes. This fact emphasizes a disposition towards a higher structural complexity leading to an increase in ecological processes related to the components studied here. A maximum of 22 tree species were found for natural regeneration and they didn't differ from the planted ones. This may be explained by the distance among these areas and forest remnants, lower seed dispersion, lack of seed bank and land use history. Soil macrofauna and lianas were the most effective on recolonization of these areas, presenting a maximum of 18 taxonomic groups for macrofauna and 13 for lianas. Epiphytes were almost absent in every evaluated area. The demand for another intervention after the introduction of tree species and the necessity of other life forms organisms is a question that arises from these facts, once the aimed objective is the Forest Restoration. Despite of the reestablishment of some groups, the diversity in these areas still represents part of the original diversity. Some groups, e.g. epiphytes, lack more researches about dynamics, because probably they should be reintroduced and/or managed.


restoration ecology regenerention reabilitação de áreas degradadas ecossistemas – restauração epiphytes regeneração natural fauna edáfica comunidades vegetais soil macrofauna planta epífita lianas ecologia florestal planta trepadeira

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