Small objects manufactured with residues of wood panel generated by the furniture industry. / Pequenos objetos de resÃduos de painÃis de madeira gerados pela indÃstria moveleira




In the last years, the use of wood boards by the furniture industry has been increasing in Latin America. Therefore, the residues generated are discarded in the environment or sent to steam production in boilers, causing ecological impacts. Small wood board objects are a lucrative alternative to take advantage of this kind of residue. The aim of this work was to present some alternatives to use the residues of rebuilt wood boards on the production of small objects. A collection of small objects was done in order to evaluate their quality and availability in the market. Residues of wood boards of three furniture industries located at the furniture pole of UbÃ, MG were quantified. Some small wood objects were hand-made of board and of residues of boards to have their attributes of quality analyzed. The experience of the Universidade Federal de Lavras related to the planning of a joinery apprentice model school for deprived teenagers was reported and the basic necessities for its implantation were researched. The results showed that there is a great variability of small wood board objects in the market; a great diversity of residues of different boards and dimensions is generated; wood boards are adequated for the production of small objects, nevertheless, some boards outstand depending on the attribute evaluated; the production of small objects using residues generated by the furniture industry is technically feasible; the implantation of a model school is an alternative to use the residues and to stimulate the handmade art, permitting the deprived teenagers` insertion in the labor world.


artesanato handmade art wood board residuos solidos, domesticos e industriais resÃduo de madeira small object painel de madeira rebuilt wood madeira reconstituÃda wood residue aproveitamento de resÃduo pequeno objeto. utilization of residue

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