Skeletal pattern and oclusal characteristics in mouth and nasal breathing children / Padrão esquelético e características oclusais de crianças respiradoras bucais e nasais




There are many claims that abnormal nasorespiratory function can lead to undesirable effects on the dentofacial complex morphology. This investigation sought to verify the influences of cronic mouth breathing on dentofacial growth and development in early age children. The autor evaluated 73 children , both sexes, ranging in age from 3 to 6 years. After the otorrinolaryngologic breath diagnosis, 44 mouth breathing children and 29 nasal breathing were compared according to facial morphology pattern (which were analysed with lateral cefalometric radiograph) and oclusal caracteristics ( analysed on study casts). This data supports the conclusion that SN.GoGn, BaN.PtGn, Ar-Go, skeletal pattern measurements, were different when mouth and nasal breathing were compared, indicating a tendency to dolichofacial pattern. There were no significant differences between the anteroposterior relationship of the maxillares on both groups. According to oclusal caracteristics only the intermolar distance presented significant correlation, showing narrow maxillary arch on mouth breathing subjects. However, there were no statistics correlations between the two groups refering to : intercanine distance , anteroposterior canine relationship, second deciduous molar terminal plane, overbite, overjet, anterior open bite and posterior crossbite. Therefore, the restauration of nasal breathing should be emphasized as soon as the diagnosis of any alteration of respiratory function is obtained.


crescimento facial oclusão dentária oral habits dental occlusion facial growth hábitos orais respiração bucal mouth breathing

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