Sistemas dinâmicos: bacias de atração e aplicações / Dynamical systems: basins of attraction and aplications


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work proposes to present a description of the theory on the basins of attraction of hyperbolic equilibrium points of continuous dynamical systems, to develop a method for the numerical determination of these basins and to examine the results of applying the theory and method in models of population dynamics. The determination of the basins of attraction allows the study of control strategies on the parameters, in order to increase or decrease such regions, as interest. From the biological phenomena viewpoint, these predictions are very important, because if an equilibrium point represents the extinction of a species that must be preserved, then one seeks to guarantee that the natural initial conditions do not are in the basin of attraction of that point. This is made by studying control strategies on the parameters, for that the point basin decreases suficiently. From the viewpoint of stability analysis of equilibrium points of dynamical systems, the theory of basins of attraction brings topological consequences to the phase space which allow, indirectly, conduct a global analysis in the parameters space, allowing wider results of which are generally obtained without this theory.


bacia de atração matematica análise qualitativa invasão biológica biestabilidade dinâmica populacional sistemas dinâmicos basin of attraction qualitative analysis biological invasion bistability population dynamics dynamical systems

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