Sistema de informação e o cotidiano de trabalho de profissionais de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital privado de Belo Horizonte




The healthcare professionals have been experiencing difficulties coming from the intense volume of information produced in the management and assistencial process. This process, characterized by written/topographical culture has been providing precarious information to guide managment decisions and to support assistencial actions. In healthcare, the healthcare information systems have been used with the aim of transforming the collected and stored data into pertinent and trustworthy information to guide the decision process, whether it is in the whole sector information management or in the patient care. In the hospital segment, by means of a context of intense structural, processual and managemental changes, the information systems (IS) update becames essencial as it follows up and gives answers to the new and complex demands resultant from organizational changes. Therefore, we propose a study which has the main objective to analyze the IS implications in the daily work of three Intensive Care Units (ICU) professionals from a private hospital in Belo Horizonte. This study has been developed in a private hospital in Belo Horizonte, following a qualitative approach research by means of semi-structured interviews and still a questionnaire applied to all the three ICU.s professionals who use the IS in their daily work. The data analysis and disposal was based in the .Thematic Analysis of Conteint. proposed by Bardin (1977) and Minayo (2007). The first result from this study can be detached through the profile of the professionals who are users of the information system where it has been found the predominant age group from 31 to 40 years old (52%), being the majority of feminine sex (57%) and graduated (52%) and 69% don.t have specific faculty related to informatics issues or informatics in healthcare. Beyond the professionals profile the study also revealed, through the interviews, the use of the system in daily work as a support in assistencial and managemental activities, being evident the difficulty factors of the information system.s use, specially the professional.s lack of training/know how/adeptness. About this difficulty factors some corrective strategies are proposal among the study, such as the delineation of a specific qualification process, and in various professional levels. Another important result that emerged from the analysis was the contributions of the information system to the daily work of the UTI.s professionals, which present some differences in each professional category studied. From the results found in this study we verified that the information system has brought great implications to the daily work of the UTI.s professionals focused. At some moments these implications can be translated into contributions and in other moments into difficulties in the system management, although we can evidence that these systems insertion in the work environment can generally promote great changes related to the health care professionals.decision process, configuring itself an important support instrument in this process.


enfermagem teses humanos decs sistemas de informação hospitalar decs enfermagem decs unidades deterapia intensiva decs cuidados de enfermagem/ organização &administração decs questionários decs capacitação em serviço decs

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