Sistema canabinóide e seu possível papel em processos de neuroproteção e plasticidade: estudos in vivo e in vitro. / The cannabinoid system and its possible role in neuroprotection and plasticity processes: in vivo and in vitro studies.




The cannabinoid system (CS) seems to have a role in several neurobiological processes, including neuroprotection and neuronal plasticity. The aims of this study were to verify the effects of unilateral retinal ablation on the expression of cannabinoid receptor CB1 and other structural proteins in the optic tectum of chick brain by immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting and real time PCR. Moreover, we evaluated the effects of cannabinoids agonists and antagonists treatment in optic tectum cell cultures exposed to the NMDA by flow cytometry and in the morphology. The retinal ablation seems to generate an increase in the expression of protein CB1 in the deafferented optic tectum, but not in the levels of mRNA. The treatment of the cultures with the cannabinoid agonist decreased the number of unviable cells and fragmented DNAs generated by NMDA. This increase of CB1 expression indicates a post-synaptic localization of these receptors and suggests a role of the CS in plasticity processes. The results of cell culture suggest neuroprotector role of the CS.


neroprotection sistema visual neuronal plasticity sistema canabinóide neuroproteção primary cell culture cannabinoids receptors visual system receptores canabinóides plasticidade neural cannabinoid system cultura primária de células

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