Sintese de poli (esteres-uretanas) a base de poliois de poli (hidroxibutirato) e poli (caprolactona) / Synthesis of poly (ester-urethanes) from poly (hydroxybutyrate) and poly (caprolactone)




The synthesis of polyurethanes containing PHB and PCL blocks aims to obtain materials with controlled mechanical properties maintain biodegradable and biocompatible polymers such as poly(hidroxybutyrate) (PHB) and poly(caprolactone) (PCL) have been largely studied. The synthesis of polyurethanes containing blocks of PHB and PCL aims to obtain materials with controlled mechanical properties maintaing the biodegradability and biocompatibility. In this work, polyols of PHB and PCL with molar weight less than 6000 g mol were obtained from glicolise reactions with ethylene glycol. The polyols were characterizated by RMN H e C, DSC, TGA, hydroxyl index and GPC. Diferent routes and experimental conditions, using diferent solvents, catalysts, time and temperature were tested. In a second step of this research reactions between the polyols and hexamethylene diisocianate (HDI), an alifatic isocianate with low carcinogenic toxicity were conduced in order to obtin polyurethanes. The chemical structure of polyurethanes obtained was characterized by FTIR and RMN H e C, thermal properties were characterized by DSC, TGA and DMA em physical properties by GPC and solubility test.


poli (caprolactona) pcl poli (esteres-uretanas) poly (ester-urethanes) poli (hidroxibutirato) phb

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