Simulação, projeto e construção de uma unidade piloto multi-proposito para pirolise de residuos




Pyrolysis, one of many solid waste chemical conversion processes, has been receiving a special atenttion from engineers, researches and environment specialists. The pyrolysis has been tested in many pilot plants, and some industrial plants are operated with success. Heating in a controled atmosphere absenced of oxygen, an organic portion of waste materials can be converted into mixture gases, oils with lower molecular weight and others products with higher economic value. This trasnformation occurs through thermal cracking and condensation reaction. Whereas incineration is exothermic, pyrolysis is endothermic and runs in range temperatures from 300 to 600°C. This process still presents some advantages like smaller dioxines formation than the incineration and also the possibility of autothermal operation of the process This work has the propose to simulate, project and build a pilot plant of pyrolysis with a fluidised bed reactor, by using mathematical modelling and numerical methods for simulation of the process It also intends to develop strategies to solve an inverse problem to predict thermal and kinetics parameters of the model from experimental data obtaneid in a pilot plant and a metodology to determine a thermic and kinetic parameters of solid waste. To get this objective, a microscopic model l-D and steady state, of mass and energy conservation was developed, the simulation for design and the construction of an experimental aparatus in a pilot plant scale was realized, to get a process data with and without reaction, to intend a scale-up from process


fluidised bed reactor pirolise residuos reatores fluidizados pyrolysis wastes

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