SimulaÃÃo numÃrica do comportamento mecÃnico de elementos de concreto armado afetados pela reaÃÃo Ãlcali-agregado / Numerical simulation of the mechanical behaviour of reinforced concrete members affected by alcaliaggregate reaction




The subject of this work is the numerical simulation of the swelling due to alkaliaggregate reaction in reinforced concrete members. The inert chemically nature of the aggregate of cement Portland concrete was early questioned by Stanton (1940), nevertheless, just awaked Civil Engineering community interest, in 1980âs decade, because its damage in concrete structures affected by reaction. The impairs involve: localized cracking, generalized failure and structural performance decadance. The problem effective resolution is very difficult thatâs why the mechanical description of the phenomenon is not based on conclusive theoretical formulation, the research about this matter is yet on initial stage, and, the experimental tests to judicious observations of the phenomenon spend expressive period of time. The numerical simulation may play the role of suitable tool to quantify the AAR demage, is helpful to decide about the structural recuperation and also to provide base to modification on structural members design criterion. The greater number of models developed, are based on linear constitutive relations, thus, they are considered precarious, because the non linear mechanical behavior of concrete, and the randomic and anisotropical nature of the AAR. The numerical simulation was performed by using a program developed on the base of the finite element method, non linear constitutive relationships to the concrete, and, a thermodinamical model to predict the AAR swelling


engenharia civil structures alcali-agreggate reaction engenharia civil reaÃÃo Ãlcali- agregado estruturas simulaÃÃo numÃrica reinforced concrete numerical simulation civil engineering concreto armado

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