Significados e sentidos das práticas de saúde: a ontologia fundamental e a reconstrução do cuidado em saúde / The meanings and senses of health practices: fundamental ontology and the reconstruction of healthcare




Care in healthcare has been a subject currently approached by authors in the field of Collective Health. Both practices and studies reflect two ways of conceiving care, which are only apparently antagonistic. Part of them being based on instrumentality, with emphasis on the procedures and technical interventions, and part with a focus on the relationship between health professionals and the users of healthcare services. Based on a critical reading of this collection of studies, this work intends not to oppose the two groups identified, accentuating their differences and supposed incompatibilities, but to articulate them in their complementarity through the use of Martin Heideggers fundamental ontology. In Being and Time, originally published in 1927, Heidegger deconstructs traditional ontology, which scientific and everyday knowledge unfold from, to reconstruct a new ontology which searches for the fundamentals of human existence. Considering that in every health practice there is a conception of man and world that sustains it, a return to these fundamentals proves itself to be essential for a reconstruction of health practices and care


delivery of healthcare philosophy medical filosofia médica assistência à saúde atenção à saúde health care

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