Significados e implicações de ser mãe no processo saúde-doença em mulheres com AIDS. / Meanings and implications of being mother in the health-disease process of women with AIDS.




When women who are infected by AIDS get pregnant, they face several difficulties such as the fear of vertical transmission. The objective of this study is to identify the socio-demographic and living and work conditions in the life of women who have AIDS; identify the meaning attributed by them to maternity and identify the implications of being a mother in the health-disease process. It consists of an exploratory and quantitative study with 16 AIDS infected women, enrolled in a specialized service in STD/AIDS in the city of Sao Paulo. The data collected from clinical records and interviews from semi-structured guidelines, were later submitted to the content analysis, and interpreted according to the Vulnerability concept. The characteristics of the women studied are: single, reproductive age group, low education and precarious life condition, sexually infected, with late diagnostic. From de meaning of maternity three categories stood out: the first, “the pregnancy experience”, including the determinants, the feelings and the pregnancy consequences: the second category, “maternity significance”, combined the meanings attributed to maternity and the difficulties encountered. The third “daily implications of maternity” is related to the confront of the health-disease process and family relationship. While analyzing the categories, potential elements, protectors against the vulnerability to infection, falling ill and death caused by HIV in vertical HIV transmission, were identified. We concluded that maternity, from the women’s point of view, was a protective event against the vulnerability to illness and death caused by the HIV. Therefore, it is necessary to approach these women to discuss the willingness of having children, because maternity makes it possible for them to redirect their lives.


mothers (transmission) mães (transmissão) síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency transmissible diseases (hiv) doenças transmissíveis (hiv)

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