Significados do tratamento diretamente supervisionado ("DOTS") para pacientes com tuberculose do programa de saúde da família da supervisão técnica de Vila Prudente/Sapopemba, São Paulo - SP / Significance of the directly observed treatment short-course ("DOTS") about to patients with tuberculosis of the program of health from family of supervision technique in Vila Prudente/Sapopemba, São Paulo city - SP




The tuberculosis is a infectum-contagious illness of continental ratios, the third part of the world-wide population is infected and presents risk to develop the disease. The situation is sufficiently complex, therefore the illness directly is associated with the precarious social conditions, the AIDS and the increasing multiresistance to the drugs. In 1993, the OMS declared the tuberculosis in emergency state, recommending the DOTS for the control of the illness. The tuberculosis is a with priority problem of health in Brazil that, together with others 22 developing countries, lodges 80% of the world-wide cases of the illness. The present study it had as objective to identify the meanings, the potentialities and the limits of according to patient strategy DOTS of the local level of the City of São Paulo (MSP). 11 depositions of patients of Basic Units of Health of Família (UBSF) of the Supervision had been collected Technique of Cautious Village Sapopemba of the MSP. The empirical material was decoded by means of technique of analysis of analyzed speech and to the light of the Theory of the Social Determination of the Health-Illness Process. The results had evidenced that the tuberculosis is illness of an eminently social and impregnated matrix of stigma, did not have association of the signals and symptoms to the tuberculosis. The illness caused changes in the form to think or to locate itself ahead of the life, of the process health-illness, in the relationship with others and proper the daily one. The negative aspects to the DOTS if must to the limitation of its operation and the positive aspects to the DOTS confirm that the support strategy, but is not the sufficient for the adhesion. Visa what it makes the vulnerable people to exceed the potentials of increasing in search of the cure is the common things and the projects of life, that stimulate the capacity to surpass the challenges of the life


adesão ao tratamento dots significado adhesion to the treatment tuberculose tuberculosis dots meanings

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