Shakespeare no suburbio : critica, polifonia e carnaval na aula de leitura




The thesis discusses interactive processes in the reading and presentation of Shakespearean plays in public schools of poor neighborhoods in the outskirts of Belo Horizonte. The original project had as its main aims the dialogue of languages and cultures and the search for a "non-traditional" teaching practice, a practice which would involve conscientization and polyphony. Starting with reflections from the area of Critical Pedagogy concerning the concept of voice, the emancipatory impulse and the instances of cultural resistance of marginalized social classes, we tried to bring out the compatibility of M. Bakhtin s conceptions of language, a hybrid subject, ethics and carnavalization with notions of a polyphonic critical pedagogy. We noticed in our data the gradual achievement of polyphony, in the midst of conflicting and contradictory attitudes. Such attitudes show that heterogeneity is constitutive of the subjects in interactive processes in the classroom. Placing emphasis on the importance of self-reflection in teacher practice, we call attention to the relevance of the debate of ideological questions in the classroom, a place where the subject constitutes him/herself and is constituted by the other.


carnaval analise do discurso leitura - estudo e ensino

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