Semiótica minuta - especulações sobre a gramática dos signos e da comunicação a partir da obra de Charles S. Peirce / Semiótica minuta - especulações sobre a gramática dos signos e da comunicação a partir da obra de Charles S. Peirce




This work is dedicated to the branch of Semiotic that Charles S. Peirce called Speculative Grammar: the study of the formal conditions that enable a Sign to function as such, the survey of all possible types of Signs and their ordered classification. The Speculative Grammar is the first branch of Semiotic, Logic is the second and Communication is its third one. A fruitful semiotic treatment of the Communication depends, therefore, on that the Grammar and Logic are sufficiently developed. This was the motivation of this work. After an introduction about Peirce and the development of his Theory of Signs, we present a proposal for a generation of 66 Classes of Signs and make some considerations on how this table could help to solve some problems of Logic and to construct of a formally semiotic Theory of Communication.


charles s. peirce classes de signos lógica classes de signos semiótica comunicação gramática especulativa comunicação lógica gramática especulativa charles s. peirce semiótica

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