Seja gay... mas não se esqueça de ser discreto : produção de masculinidades homossexuais na Revista Rose (Brasil, 1979-1983)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Rose... so it was named the first gay magazine edited in Brazil between late 1970s and early 1980s. On its pages, information about the cultural-artistic scene of that time, erotic stories, stories in comics, cartoons, advertisements of men interested in corresponding with other men, and articles that dealt with male homosexuality were published. On those pages there was also a profusion of male bodies tending to nudity. However, within the bounds of this dissertation, Rose magazine has not been considered only as a vehicle of communication and entertainment, above all, it has been taken as a historical source. As a carrier of a set of pedagogies of gender and sexuality, the magazine is involved in producing a normalized model of homosexual masculinity. Based on the theoretical referential of Gender Studies from a feminist and post-structuralist perspective, it was analyzed the ¿enunciation¿ that articulates the homosexual masculinity to feminine behaviors. It is the degradation of such behaviors that will serve as the basis for the construction of a discrete gay man, with a distinct male-like behavior. Therefore, discretion ¿ as a sign of masculinity ¿ seems to ensure the social intelligence of those men, "authorizing" their own existence. However, the magazine should not be reduced to the problematic here developed, since there are other issues presented in it.


homosexual masculinity masculinidade poststructuralism gênero pós-estruturalismo homossexualidade rose magazine gender

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