Segurança alimentar e nutricional como princípio orientador de políticas públicas no marco das necessidades humanas básicas




In this thesis, the Dietary and Nutritional Safety (DNS) concept meaning goes beyond the conventional conceptions perceived as the opposite of dietary unsafe identified with the absence or insufficiency access means, by poor population, to the aliment. Thus, the dietary safety as well as dietary unsafe differs conceptually from the dominant notion that associate them with vulnerable social groups due to the asymmetry between available income and general merchandise prices, among them dietary products. Here, the DNS conception compels to an essential condition of the human being in general, and due to the polissemic nature of the concept, it require for its implementation the compliance and union of different public policies (socials and economics). Based on that, the idea of creating a dietary and nutritional safety condition to all, aggregate new contents to the guarantee of regular and permanent access to aliments. Those contents are necessarily related to aspects including cultural dimensions of dietary practices and habits, also encompassing environment, national autonomy, fair trade, responsible agricultural practices, researches and technology diffusion, among others. This comprehension comes from the understanding that the food is one of the Satisfiers of the basic human being needs (BHN) which, if adequately fulfilled, will result in an essential condition to the rights of all to have a meaningful live. In the context of the BHN, the social, economics and cultural rights, which provide them the base for citizenship, require, for its full realization, public policies guided by orientation principles involving each one of the requirements demanded to satisfy such needs. The Dietary and Nutritional Safety is conceived in this thesis as policies orientation principle indispensable to the fulfillment of the human being rights to alimentation. What is, certainly, much more than guarantee adequate nutrition under the merely biologic point of view. To subsidize the analysis around this premise the research embraced historical evidences and experiences as well as direct and indirect sources of information. Also, merged into the Sistemas de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SISAN) and into an arrangement stated at Lei Orgânica de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (LOSAN), to criticize the arrangements based on the edification of what is being called Política de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional which, by the expressions and ambiguities of its construction, fairly explain the difficulties faced by the governments intervention to provide solution to the Brazilian dietary matter in the last thirty years.


food human being right sociologia direitos básicos basic human being needs dietary and nutritional safety orientation principles of public policies citizenship políticas sociais direito humano à alimentação social policies necessidades humanas básicas basic right segurança alimentar e nutricional cidadania princípio orientador de políticas públicas

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