Seedlings vegetable production using substrater with different composition and addition of co2 through the irrigation water. / Produção de mudas de hortaliças em substratos de diferentes composições com adição de CO2 na água de irrigação.




The objective of this study was to evaluate new substrates and the effect of carbon dioxide applied through irrigation water in the production of the following seedlings. These seedling were growth in a controlled environment in an experimental area of the Crop Science Department at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP. The experiment was divided in two parts. The first part consisted of determining the photosynthesis rate as a function of photosynthesis active radiation (PAR) and carbon dioxide levels to be applied at the second part of the experiment. The second part consisted of seedlings production with 2 levels of CO2 applied through irrigation water. To determine the photosynthesis rate was used a mobile photosynthesis gage (LI-6400), and it wan determined using the following levels of CO2 and PAR: 200, 365, 500, 600, 800, 900 e 1000mmolCO2 mol-1 and 700 and 1400mmol-2 s-1. Four substrates, S1, S2, S3 and S4, were used to grow the seedlings. The experimental design was a randomly blocks with an analyze of the 2 experiments together. The seedlings development were evaluated with 18, 22, 26 and 30 days after planting. The following variable were analyzed: leaf area, leaf dry matter, steam dry matter and root dry matter and the following parameters: leaf area index, growth rate, development rate and the aboveground dry matter/root dry matter rate. The photosynthesis rate showed a good agreement in the plants studies for the 800mmolCO2 mol-1 of CO2. The substrate S4 showed the best result for seedlings production for all crops studied. Only the tomato seedlings showed a good result for CO2application through irrigation water.


dióxido de carbono carbon dioxide mudas repolho tomate beterraba tomato

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