Sedimentologia e cronologia por luminescência da Ilha de São Francisco do Sul (SC): considerações sobre a evolução holocênica de barreiras arenosas da costa sul e sudeste do Brasil / não infomado


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




São Francisco do Sul Island (SFSI) is located on the northern coast of Santa Catarina State, Brazil. It covers an area of about 265 km2 with an approximate length of oceanic coastline of 40 km. The island was formed by coastal depositional systems active during the relative sea-level changes of the last 120,000 years. The following relative sea -level fall after the Mid-Holocene maximum highstand combined with high sediment input have contributed to coastal progradation of the regressive barrier located eas t of Icaraí lagoon. Geomorphological features of SFSI were analyzed primarily with the aid of Google Earth and field surveys and indicated the prevalence of superimposed vegetated dunes formed under the influence of the S-SE winds on the central and northern part of the Holocene barrier. Along the coastline, a narrow belt of 5-10 m high foredune ridges associated with swales occurs. The foredunes are gradually replaced inland by blowouts and/or 10-20 m high parabolic or irregular dune forms followed by beach ridges. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of 11 samples using the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol of the beach ridges (5 samples), parabolic dunes (5 samples) and blowouts (1 sample) over an area of 7 km2 showed two distinct periods of stabilization. Beach ridges stabilized at the 4.9-3.1 ka period and parabolic dunes at the 1.9-1.2 period. Quartz OSL sensitivity was measured in the dating aliquots to evaluate the sedimentary reworking of sands from the studied geomorphological units. Elevated OSL-sensitivity values associated with the oldest beach ridge samples indicate highly reworked sediments, possibly submitted to many cycles of barrier construction and erosion. Grain-size and heavy minerals analyses were performed in 45 samples. Beach ridges were characterized by fine sands and a metamorphic heavy minerals assemblage in contrast to the parabolic dunes, blowouts and present beach sands of medium grain-size and a higher contribution of an acid plutonic rocks provenance. The Holocene progradation of the SFSI barrier had a pronounced morphodynamic shift around 1.9-1.8 ka, which is characterized by the episodic development of the parabolic dunes migrating to NW over beach ridges and a marked change in sediment provenance. This morphodynamic shift derived from an increase in the strength of winds from south and northward alongshore drift, implied strengthening of cold fronts activity since 1.9-1.8 ka. Higher cold fronts activity in Southern Brazil can be linked with the northward expansion of the south westerly wind belt (Westerlies) and intensification of El Niño Southern Oscilation (ENSO). Thus, the luminescence chronology and sedimentology of different geomorphological facies in barrier systems as shown in a small area of SFSI may act as a valid proxy for past climate events.


luminescência opticamente estimulada não informadas paleoclimatologia quaternário são francisco do sul (sc) sedimentologia

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