Schopenhauer e o Oriente / Schopenhauer and the East




This dissertation analyzes the eastern influence received by Schopenhauer during the formation from his philosophy and the consequence generated in his delayed texts in the religion concept. It is focused, mainly the Oupnekhat (Upaniñad) work, translated by Anquetil-Duperron in 1801/1802 and studied by Schopenhauer since 1814. In it are contained eastern concepts as Maya, "Illos tu és" (Tat tvam asi) and Trimurti, that had been used, respectively, for Schopenhauer in his theories of the representation (Vorstellung), compassion (Mitleid) and Will of life (Wille zum Leben). It is tried, thus, to bring authenticity for the innumerable affirmations of Schopenhauer that place the Upaniñad, altogether the philosophies of Plato and Kant, as the main influences for the arise of its thought. Such eastern teachings received in little age had contributed Schopenhauer to interpret the religions as Metaphysical allegoric. But, the most transparent would have to be valued (Hinduism and Buddhism) on the other hand, the obscurest than would have to be rejected (Judaism and Islam). At last, the present dissertation aim to detach the eastern thought in the work of Schopenhauer, therefore the same already was white of injury and forgetfulness on the part of many studies.


oupnek hat alegoria oupnek hat east schopenhauer oriente religião schopenhauer allegoric religion

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