Saude do trabalhador no Brasil : analise do modelo de atenção proposto para o Sistema Unico de Saude (SUS)




In Brazil, health care attention to the worker s classes started from an excluding model which privileged workers from the formal economy, linking the capital interests for the control of the work force. At the beginning, the health sector s participation was very limited in this area. At the end of 1970 s, new health care models for workers were started to be experimented in public health care services. However, the change only became in the middleof the 1980 s, with the process of redemocratization of the country, through the trade union, popular and health care workers movements who proposed a model for workers health care attention in the SUS (Brazilian National Health System), at the National Health Conferences and the Conferences for the W ~rkers Health. Although existing resÜ.tance, this proposal was institutionalized by Health Ministry. The model of attention proposed should be coordinated by the health sector, favoring integration between other sectors such as labor and social security in order to avoid duplication of services. Starting from the hypothesis that each sector involved would have its own model, and that the integration would be difficult, the workers health care attention model was analyzed under two aspects. On one side, through the . analysis of the theoretical aspects using institutional documents and on the other, the analysis of governrnental services practices, in São Paulo city (SP). The analysis of the institutional development and theoretical projects and practices showed that Brazilian health, labor, and social security sectors had distincts historical developments and eng!3.gements. It became evident that exist three different workers health care attention models on constant conflicts, and that the differences and disparities inviabilizes whatever integration of the tlu;ee models. Although the internal consistency and improvement in health care politics, the practice of the workers health care attentioÍl model has some important limits. Among its great limitations, it can be noted that the attention has been limited to a few specialized services without the envolvement of the primary health care services, and the public health surveillance has not been effectivily assumed as a strategic component of the SUS model


saude - planejamento - brasil saude e trabalho politica de saude - brasil

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