Santos guerreiros : relatos de uma experiência vivida nas jornadas das folias de reis do sul do Espirito Santo




The folias de reis are musical assemblages present in most of the Brazilian territory, derived from Christmas dramatic autos of the European tradition and appropriated by Brazilian rural communities in the context of colonization. With the objective of announce the birth of Jesus, these groups march along paths that retrace the Magi and Saint Sebastians route among the journeys, period comprehend between December 24 and January 20. This work is the result of an experience in the journey of the Folia de Reis Estrela do Mar, grounded in Zumbi, a district situated in the town of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim. The objective is to highlight the context of the exchanges circuits established between the foliões, the homeowners and the saints. Part of this thesis aims to point to a network of local meanings in which the ritual builds its own senses and assembles new elements, consedering that part of this significances web was extracted from the imaginary entailed to the rituals of possession known as umbanda or macumba. Based in an ethnographic enterprise and interviews with foliões masters, was assayed the musical construction called toada de folia, source of enchanting of the houses to which the folias carry the sacred flag, from the relationship between the musicians themselves and amid them and the saints. A special focus was given on the palhaço, a comic personage that displace the ritual frames. Finally, there is a brief history of the process that has transformed the Banners Encounters into institutionalized competitions and, after that, in public presentations unlinked to the journeys.


espírito santo folias de reis espírito santo antropologia rituals rituais popular religiosity religiosidade popular folias de reis

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