Saberes docentes e história : reflexões sobre ensino e formação de professores




This study adopts the concepts of teachers´knowledge (Tardif, 2002) and the categories of teachers´knowledge proposed by Shulman (1987) and investigates the knowledge deemed necessary to History teachers, according to the literature, teacher educators and practitioners.Semi-structured interviews with 15 teachers were conducted. The teachers were divided as follows: 9 teacher educators and 6 practitioners. The teacher educators were subdivided into 3 groups: 3 were History teachers in an undergraduate course in a higher education institution, 3 were responsible for History teaching methodology e 3 were involved with pedagogical disciplines (Didactics, Secondary School Organization, Psychology of Education). The main results indicate that: a) the teachers´knowledge is multiple, with a personal, social and pragmatic nature, linked to the practical lived experience; b) initial teacher education programs have focused on pedagogical and content knowledge; c) practice is valued as a place for continuing education, where experiential knowledge is developed, which acts as a filter of other kinds of knowledge due to contextual constraints; d); proposals for teaching and learning of History require a consideration of the school context where the teaching will be carried out, e) the institutions responsible for teacher education need to improve the integration of their own teaching staff, the theory-practice relationship and the links with secondary schools. There is a convergence of the kinds of knowledge considered important (subject matter, subject matter pedagogy, curriculum, learners and their characteristics, context and educational objectives) by both teacher educators and practitioners.However, the majority of practitioners conceptualize pedagogical knowledge as a collection of techniques, dissociated of theoretical aspects. Even though all kinds of knowledge are inter-related, the majority of the teacher educators who participated in this research attributed more relevance to subject matter knowledge and subject matter pedagogy knowledge, whereas practitioners emphasize mainly the knowledge of the educational context as a very important type of knowledge for teachers.


educação - formação de professores education - teacher formation

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