Ruído ambiental e seus efeitos: o ruído aeronáutico no entorno do Aeroporto Internacional de Brasília




The noise is the more evident environmental impact generated by the aviation in the neighborhood of the airports, could cause considerable damages to the life quality and the health of the affected population. This work had as main objective to evaluate the indisposition provoked by the aeronautical noise in close resident communities to the International Airport of Brasília (AIB). For this, it was adapted to the Brazilian context the questionnaire developed by Eurocontrol (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation) and applied in the community. The chosen places were the Núcleo Bandeirante, Park Way and Riacho Fundo I, where they were applied 105 questionnaires, in residents of these cities, chosen by sampling and in a random way. Also measures of the coming levels of resonant pressure of the aircrafts were accomplished. Starting from the analysis of the data obtained with the application of the questionnaires, it was verified that when they are home, 75% of those researched notice the aeronautical noise and 71% consider the quite noisy airplanes. Besides, 60% answered that the noises of the aircrafts upset them and they disturb them. Regarding the data obtained in the measurements was verified that the smallest value of Leq, equivalent level of resonant pressure, found was of 56 dB(A), in other words, above the established limit for the legislation. It was also verified that the index used for analysis of the indisposition produced by aircrafts was shown above recommended, appearing for a picture of contamination resonant, originating from airplanes, of the studied places. This way, it was evidenced that the originating from resonant pollution the traffic of self-driven vehicles and, mainly, of the air traffic it inconveniences and it interferes in some of the daily activities accomplished by the respondents.


poluição sonora acustica resonant pollution ruído aeronáutico ruído - poluição sonora; tráfego aéreo; qualidade de vida life quality qualidade de vida aeronautical noise

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